Not sure where to find caves in Lego Fortnite? One of the biggest positive surprises this December in the world of gaming is Fortnite’s latest collaboration with LEGO. Epic Games is using its experience with Fortnite: Save the World to create a brand new survival mode that combines Fortnite gameplay with modern survival crafting gameplay elements. And all that packed in gorgeous Lego-like visuals. In this guide, we provide you with Lego Fortnite cave locations on the map.

How to Find a Cave in Lego Fortnite?
So, you want to know one simple thing. How the hell do you find caves in Lego Fortnite? It’s seemingly simple, yet many players are having trouble locating these caverns. And they are not looking for them because they are into spelunking. Well, maybe some of them are. But that’s not the point. Namely, players are desperately trying to find a cave in Lego Fortnite because it is the only place that has the Knotroot ingredient. You will need to have it in order to get the Knotroot Rod, which will unlock the Recurve Crossbow, the Shovel, and the Longsword recipes. So, how to find a cave? Well, all you need to do is to check out your map!
';document.getElementById("serge_5f895c6208f81a315320ec57").style.display = "block"; }Caves in this game are clearly marked on your map with a special item which resembles two mountains with an opening at the base. Once you know what icon represents a cave, you will know exactly where you need to go. Check out our map below so that you know exactly what this icon looks like. In-game, you will recognize them as bigger rocky formations. And when you approach them, they will have an opening. Simply interact with it, and you will enter a cave in Lego Fortnite. So there you have it. That’s how you find a cave. If you have any issues, ask us in the comments section! Have with with the game!
