In Tom Bob's unique hands, pipes quickly become sassy snakes, and a manhole cover transforms into an Oreo.

Street art has the unique opportunity to interact with its surroundings in ways that other art forms rarely can.
Painter Tom Bob takes advantage of this aspect of street art to fantastic effect. The New York City-based street artist has created a series of paintings across the walls and streets of New York and beyond, paintings that interact with the environment around them, and the results are amazing.
These paintings use the shapes and textures of existing surfaces and objects in their design. Tom Bob uses pipes, cement blocks, fuse boxes and more to define the exciting images he creates. In his hands, pipes quickly become sassy snakes, and a manhole cover transforms into an Oreo.
The prolific artist has spread his whimsical designs across the city, turning mundane city features into astonishing creations. This style of street art is part of a long tradition, including famous French street artists like OaKoAk and Clet.
In addition to street art, Tom Bob has already done a number of popular commissioned art pieces, including painting a mural for the New York City music festival Governor's Ball.
Above, see some of Tom Bob's greatest creations, many more of which can be found on Bored Panda and his Instagram.
Next, for more street artists from around the world, check out these impressive pieces from Shanghai. Then, learn about the artist who transforms sneakers into amazing sculptures.