American Sniper lifts director Clint Eastwood out of the doldrums that have plagued his last few films. Loosely based on the life of decorated Iraq War veteran Chris Kyle, the movie not only represents the best effort from Eastwood since his Oscar-wi...

When a murderous rampage occurs involving a high school or college-age perpetrator, the initial spotlight shines upon the killer. The usual questions - notably "Why?" - are asked. Inevitably, others, especially the parents, will be pulled into the...

Like 2015’s Everest and In the Heart of the Sea, The Finest Hours offers a man vs. nature survival story; in this case, however, the storyline is more upbeat. Directed by Craig Gillsepie, the film is a fast-paced thriller guaranteed to get the ...

Sometimes I wonder why I bother with PG-13 horror films. They're a dime a dozen and most of them aren't worth the celluloid the projector's light passes through. For every pleasant surprise like The Uninvited, there are about ten lifeless regurgi...

With remakes available for both Halloween and Friday the 13th, it was only a matter of time before the third member of the trio of '80s horror icons was provided with a new opportunity to greet a new generation. Welcome to 2010, Freddy Krueger. Y...

Has the COVID-19 pandemic brought out the best in horror filmmakers? 2022 has not been a good year for cinema, but it has been a very good year for horror. Smile represents the latest in an impressive roster of horror films that have pushed the en...